Ph.D. in Communication Studies, University of Iowa, US
【Courses Taught】
Media Strategic Management and Marketing
Organizational Communication and Public Relations
Communication Laws and Policy
Communication Research Methods: Quantitative Approaches
Science Communication and Message Design
【Research Area】
Media Strategic Management and Marketing
New Communication Technologies
Organizational Communication and Public Relations
Science Communication and Message Design
Research in Satellite and Cable TV studies
Professor and Director, Institute of Communication,National Chiao Tung University
Senior Officer, Division of Broadcasting and Television, Government Information Office
Senior Officer, Marketing Research, Kayno Advertising Company
Lawyer assistant of Yiqun Law Firm
The Best Paper Award of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Communication Society (revision of a student master's thesis, I am the second author)
Research Award, National Science Council, 2010-present
Research Award, National Chiao Tung University, 2006-present
Fulbright Research Awards, 2004-2005
Technology personnel short-term foreign training, 2004-2005, National Science Council
Harvard University Fairbank Center for East Asian Studies, Visiting Scholar,2005
Research Award for scholars, National Science Council, 2002-present
Research Award from National Science Council, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000
Research Award for new scholars, National Science Council,1993
Harshbarger Grant University of Iowa, 1990-1992
Graduate Student Senate Travel Award University of Iowa, 1990-1992
【Journal Publications】(After 2011)
Lo, S., Li, S. S., & Wu, T. Y. (forthcoming). Exploring psychological factors for COVID-19 vaccination intention in Taiwan. Vaccines (SSCI Journal)
Huang, L. M. & Li, S. S. (2020). Managing the gender dilemma as yin-yang balancing: The dynamic interplay of communal and agentic bargaining behaviors of senior female negotiators. China Media Research, 16 (4), 1-19.
Li, S. S. & Huang, L. M. (2020). Fear appeals, information processing, and behavioral intentions toward climate change". Asian Journal of Communication. DOI: (SSCI Journal)
Li, S. S. (2020). Lifestyles, technology clustering, and the adoption of over-the-top television and Internet protocol television in Taiwan. International Journal of Communication, 14, 1-19. (SSCI Journal)
Li, S. S., Lu, P. C., & Chen, S. C. (2020). Emotions in fear appeals: Examining college students’attitudes and behavioral intentions toward colorectal cancer prevention in Taiwan. Health Education Journal, 79(5), 569-582. (SSCI Journal). DOI: 10.1177/0017896919891749
Li, S. S. (2019).Competing for audiences’ time: Comparing science news with health news and political news. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media (SSCI Journal).
Li, S. S. (2019). Lifestyles and gratifications obtained from news: Comparing science news with health news and political news. Public Understanding of Science (SSCI Journal).
Li, S. S., Ku, L. L., & Chen, Y. S. (2018). A niche analysis of three interpersonal communication media: Examining the competition among Facebook, Line, and email. Chinese Journal of Communication (SSCI Journal). Doi:10.1080/17544750.2018.1482934
Chen-Yi Lee & Shu-Chu Li (2018)An Examination on the Relationships Among Consumers’ Personality Traits, Media Brand Personality and Consumer Media Use .Chinese Journal of Communication Research No. 34, 2018.12, 119-163(TSSCI Journal)
Li, S. S., Liu, Y. C., & Lee, C. Y. (2017). New media, market competition, and media diversity: An examination of Taiwan’s terrestrial TV market from 1986 to 2002. In K. Xue and M. Yu (eds.), New Media and Chinese Society (pp. 11-32). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Li, S. S. (2017). Television media old and new: A niche analysis of OTT, IPTV, and digital cable in Taiwan. Telematics and Informatics, 34, 1024-1037 (SSCI Journal).
Li, S. S. (2017). Replacement or complement: A niche analysis on Yahoo news, television news, and electronic news. Telematics and Informatics, 34 (4), 261-273 (SSCI Journal)
Yi-xuan Zheng & Shu-chu Sarrina Li(2016)Using the brand extension theory to examine uses of websites of print news media in Taiwan. NTU News Forum 14,23-71
Li, S. S. & Huang, W. C. (2016). Lifestyles, innovation attributes, and teachers' adoption of game-based learning: Comparing non-adopters with early adopters, adopters and likely adopters in Taiwan. Computer & Education, 96, 29-41 (SSCI Journal)
Sun, Yu-Hsuan & Shu-chu Sarrina Li (2016)The congruence between brand personality and self-concept and its effect on consumer's attitude towards online shopping. The Journal of Information Society. 30 25-60
Li, S. S. (2015). Lifestyles and the adoption of information vs. entertainment technologies: An examination on the adoption of six new technologies in Taiwan. New Media & Society, 17(10),1696-1714. DOI: 10.1177/1461444814531874 (SSCI Journal)
Li, S. S. (2014). Fear appeals and college students' attitudes and behavioral intentions toward global warming. Journal of Environmental Education, 45(4), 243-257. (SSCI Journal) DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2014.930399
Li, S. S.(2014). Adoption of three new types of computers in Taiwan: Tablet PCs, netbooks, and smart phones. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 243-251. (SSCI Journal)
Li, S. S. (2014). Digital television adoption: Comparing the adoption of digital terrestrial television with the adoption of digital cable in Taiwan. Telematics and Informatics, 31, 126-136. (SSCI Journal)
Li, S. S. (2013). Lifestyle orientations and the adoption of Internet-related technologies in Taiwan. Telecommunications Policy, 37, 639-650. (SSCI Journal)
Li, S. S., Ku, L. L., & Liu, Y. L. (2013). Using Rogers' diffusion of innovation model to examine the willingness to pay for public television in Taiwan. International Journal on Media Management,15(2), 99-118.
Pin-Tzu Huang & Shu-Chu Sarrina Li(2013) A Niche Analysis of the Competition among PPStream, Tudou, and YouTube: A Study of the Internet Protocol Television Industry in Taiwain. Chinese Journal of Communication Research No. 24, 2013.12, 207-241 (TSSCI Journal)
Yi-Fang Huang & Shu-Chu Sarrina Li(2013)Examining the Effects of Crisis History and Crisis Communication Strategies on an Organization's Reputation: A Perspective Using Coombs' Situational Crisis Communication Theory. Communication & Society, 26, 169–210 (TSSCI Journal)
Che-Wei Wang & Shu-Chu Li (2012)Using the Affective Events Theory to Examine the Relationships among Emotion, Interpersonal Conflicts, and Communication Strategies: A Study on Journalists in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Communication Research No. 21, 2012.06, 31-79 (TSSCI Journal)
Li, S. S. (2012). The policy of paid cable and paid per view in Taiwan and its relationship with cable digitalization. In Y. T. Chou (Ed.)’s Competition and regulation in the age of digital convergence (pp. 23-46). Taipei, Taiwan: 21 Century Foundation.
Pin-Yi Wu & Shu-Chu Sarrina Li (2011)Examining the Phenomenon of Mimetic Isomorphism In Taiwan’s TV Industry: A Study on Taiwan’s Variety Show. Journal of Radio & Television Studies. No.33 63-88
Shu-Chu Sarrina Li & Lin-lin Ku (2011)Public Television in Taiwan: Lessons from the U. S. and South Korea. Journal of Radio & Television Studies. No.33 1-22
Shu-Chu Li (2011)The Phenomenon of Organizational Isomorphism in Mass Media Industry. Journal of Communication Research and Practice. No.2 131-147
Yu-Chien Li & Shu-Chu Li (2011)Cultural Values and the Popularity of Taiwan’s Idol Dramas: A Cultural Proximity Perspective. Journal of Radio & Television Studies. No.32 27-69
Ja-Ling Tsai & Shu-Chu Sarrina Li & Yu-Chien Li (2011) An Examination on the Relationship between Popular Korean Dramas and Their Cultural Values: A Cultural Proximity Perspective. Communication & Society, No.16 55-98
Li, S. S., Huang, L. M., & Liu, Y. C. (2011). Communication and group performance: Comparing CMC with FTF decision-making groups in Taiwan(pp.38-57). In Yearwood, J. & Stranieri, A. (Eds.), Technologies for supporting reasoning communities and collaborative decision making: Collaborative approaches. IGI Global Publishers: Pennsylvania, USA.
Huang, L. M. & Li, S. S. (2011). Experts and non-experts in science news reports: From discourse analysis to examine the selection of news sources. In Liu’s (ed.) critical views of discourse analysis on media (pp. 254-266). Peking, China: The Communication University of China Press. (In Chinese)
【Conference Papers】(After 2011)
Li, S. S. (2018, May) Personality traits on fear appeals, information processing, and behavioral intentions toward climate change. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.
Li, S. S. (2018, May) Lifestyle and gratifications obtained from news: Comparing science news with health and political news. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.
Li, S. S. (2017, October) Competing for audiences’ attention: A niche analysis on science news, health news and political news. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies, Columbia, SC, USA.
Li, S. S. (2017, July) A niche analysis of three interpersonal media: examining the competition among Facebook, Line, and e-mail. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Telecommunication Society Kyoto Conference (ITS), Kyoto, Japan.
Li, S. S. (2017, June) Non-adopters vs. All-adopters of Social Media: Comparing their Differences in Lifestyles, Perceived Innovation Attributions, and Socio-demographics. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Telecommunication Society Kyoto Conference (ITS), Kyoto, Japan.
Li, S. S. (2017, May) Emotions in Fear-appeal Messages: Examining the Effects of Emotions on Information Processing and Behavioral Intentions toward Climate Change. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, USA.
Li, S. S. (2016, June) Replacement or Complement: A Niche Analysis of Yahoo news, Television News, and Electronic News. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.
Li, S. S.(2014, July) Fear-appeal messages and individuals' need for cognition: Examining their interacting effects on people's attitudes toward global warming. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Study. Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
Li, S. S.(2013, July). Adoption of Two New Types of Computers in Taiwan: Tablet vs. Netbooks”? Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Dublin, Ireland.
Li, S. S. (2013, November). The Use of Fear Appeals in Global Warming Messages: Examining the Relationships Between Perceived Threat, Perceived Efficacy, and Attitude Changes. Paper presented at The annual conference of National Communication Association in Washington DC, U.S. .
Li, S. S. (2012, July). Lifestyles and the Adoption of Three Types of Technologies including Information, Entertainment, and Interpersonal Technologies in Taiwan. Paper presented at The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Durban, South Africa.
Li, S. S. & Huang, L. M. (2012). the use of fear appeals in Taiwan's global warming news: Using the quantitative and qualitative approaches to analyze its effects. Paper presented at The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Durban, South Africa.
Li, S. S. (2011, November). Members’ Personalities, Computer-mediated Communication and Group Performance: A Study on the Functional Perspective in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of National Communication Association (NCA) in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Li, S. S. & Huang, L. M. (2011, November). Using the Extended Parallel Process Model to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Global Warming News in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of National Communication Association(NCA) in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Li, S. S. (2011,July). Using Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Model to Examine People’s Intention to Pay for Public Television in Taiwan. Paper presented at The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Istanbul, Turky.
Li, S. S. (2011,July). Examining the Factors that Affect Digital Television Adoption: Comparing the Adoption of Digital Terrestrial Television with that of Digital Cable in Taiwan. Paper presented at The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Istanbul, Turkey.
Li, S. S. (2011,June)。Lifestyles and the adoption of eight internet related technologies in Taiwan .Paper presented at International Telecommunication Society (ITS) in Taipei, Taiwan.
Li,S. S. (2002). New communication technologies and the management of media organizations’ market. Taipei, Taiwan, ROC: Broadcasting Foundation.
【Research Projects】
Research project (107-110) Beyond Strategic Adaptability : a Study of Effective Adaptable Negotiators from Yin-Yang Perspective co-PI
Research project (106-109) Communication Media and Scientific Information in Food Products: Examining Individuals Information Seeking and Processing toward the News of Genetically Modified Food PI (Principal Investigator)
Research project (103-106) Examining the Relationships among Science Messages, Science Communication Strategies, and Information Processing Behaviors: a Study on Climate-Friendly Behaviors PI (Principal Investigator)
Research project (103-106) Information Processing and Gratifications Obtained from Science News: an Audience-Oriented Perspective on Global Warming Issue PI (Principal Investigator)
Research project (105) Humanities and Social Science Research Book Planning Theme:Communication industry research co-PI
Research project (100-103) Using Rogers’ diffusion of innovation model to examine the relationship between the diffusion of global warming knowledge and interpersonal communication PI (Principal Investigator)
Research project (100-103) Deconstructing Science Communication: Examining the Relationship between Interpersonal Communication and Mass Media Effects on the Issue of Global Warming in Taiwan. PI (Principal Investigator)
Research project (100-102) Using Elaboration Likelihood Model to Examine the Relationships among Members’ Attributes, Computer-Mediated Communication, and Small Groups’ Decision-Making Quality PI (Principal Investigator)
Research project (99-102) The Development and Evaluation of Curricula on Cyber Copyright and Academic Writing Ethics for Taiwan Students co-PI
Research project (097-100) Message Design of the Global Warming News--- Examining the Relationship between Individual Differences and the Public's Understanding of Scientific News PI (Principal Investigator)
Research project (097-100) Deconstructing Science Communication---An Examination on the Issue of Global Warming in Terms of Its News Production, Message Design, Media Representation, and Public Understanding in Taiwan PI (Principal Investigator)
【Domestic and International Journal Work】
2011 - present, Asian Journal of Communication(SSCI Journal) Editorial board member
2009 - present,Communication & Society(Published by the The Chinese University of Hong Kong& Hong Kong Baptist University)(TSSCI Journal) Editorial board member
2005-2018, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong External Examiner
2011 - present,Chinese Journal of Communication(SSCI Journal) Reviewer
2006 - present,Asian Journal of Communication(SSCI Journal) Reviewer
2013 - present,Mass Communication and Society (SSCI Journal) Reviewer
2014 - present,Journal of Applied Communication Research (SSCI Journal) Reviewer
2007- present, Communication & Society(The Chinese University of Hong Kong& Hong Kong Baptist University)(TSSCI Journal) Reviewer
African Journal of Political Science and International Relations,& International Journal on Media Management Reviewer
Mass Communication Research、Chinese Journal of Communication Research、Taiwan Democracy Quarterly、Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine、Journal of Communication Research and Practice Reviewer