時間 11/07 (周一) 14:10 ~ 15:00
地點 : 人文社會二館 傳播所204演講廳
講者: 杜本麟教授
杜本麟教授目前是澳大利亞人機界面技術研究中心(Human Interface Technology Laboratory Australia) 的主任,塔司馬尼亞大學(University of Tasmania)計算機與資訊系統學院的正教授。
杜教授獲得心理學學士,工業設計碩士和工程學博士的學位元。在西雅圖華盛頓大學(University of Washington)完成他的博士學位以後,到 NASA Johnson Space Center 進行虛擬現實訓練計劃的博士後研究。
Prof. Duh is a ACM Distinguished Speaker, Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), Fellow of the British Computer Society (FBCS), a Senior Member of both ACM and IEEE (SMACM, SMIEEE); the Australian national representative of the International Federation of Information Processing Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction (IFIP TC13) and Entertainment Computing (TC14); Steering committee member of IEEE ISMAR, Asia Pacific CHI and ChineseCHI conference. He has been named as one of the Asian Human-Computer Interaction Heroes in ACM CHI2015. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (Elsevier) and Gaming Media and Social Effects Book Series (Springer), the Associate Editor of ACM Entertainment in Computer, editorial board member of HCI book series(Springer), and published more than 100 conference and journal papers in HCI area. Prof. Duh was the co-director of Keio-NUS CUTE centre (a joint research centre between NUS and Keio University, Japan) and successfully attracted more US$5M funding as the Lead CI/PI (or US$10M as CI/Co-PI) from government agencies and industries.